2015 Year to Date Memorandum

Espresso Parts truly believes in the power of our Core Values! Every year, in honor of Earth Day, we reflect on our Core Value #7; Give Back ~ build community, recognize others, be humble.


We’ve been fortunate to offer a very robust employment package to our Espresso Parts Family, which includes; Full Medical Coverage; Full Dental Coverage; Full Vision Coverage; Full AD&D Coverage; Wellness Plans; Extensive Paid Time Off; Paid Holidays; Living Wages; Bus Passes; and Product Discounts. While we are proud to offer this coverage, we always ask what can we do to ensure a healthy Planet for our employees and families to thrive for generations to come!

Espresso Parts is directly and indirectly responsible for creating approximately 350,00 pounds of CO2 annually! This estimate includes the following emission sources; Office Emissions and Office Paper; Fleet Vehicle and Employee Commuter Vehicle Emissions; Business Travel and Hotel Emissions; Inbound Shipping Emissions; Outbound Shipping and Packaging Material Emissions.

Each year we take great steps to help reduce and offset our carbon footprint! We are improving the following practices and supporting environmental conservation projects which are designed to help enhance energy efficiency and restore natural habitats in our local community and greater coffee community;

  • Espresso Parts always buys Green Power. Through Puget Sound Energy we buy electricity from independent clean-energy producers right here in our region. These businesses generate electricity from wind, sun, biogas and other renewable sources.
  • We support The Puget Soundkeeper Alliance. They are a Seattle organization that has an immediate impact on reducing trash on beaches, toxic heavy metals, and bacteria on shellfish beds. They are working to save salmon runs, working to reduce coal dust and cleaning up the Puget Sound, one pipe at a time!
  • We support Coffee Kids, Coffee Kids works with organizations in coffee-farming communities throughout Latin America to create projects in the areas of education, healthcare, economic diversification, food security and capacity building. These efforts allow coffee farmers to reduce their dependence on the volatile coffee market and confront their communities’ most pressing needs.
  • We support South of The Sound Community Farmland Trust, Their mission, to promote vibrant local food and farming systems through community supported farmland preservation strategies, educational outreach, and partnerships that increase opportunities for farms and farmers to flourish.
  • We support Thurston County Bicycle Commuter Contest, a fun, engaging community event that encourages Thurston County residents of all ages and abilities to try bicycling as a means of transportation.  The BCC broke a bunch of records in 2014, with the most registrants ever (1655), the most mileage logs returned (1177) and the most days ridden (14,954).

This is our effort to ensure a happy healthy future for the Planet and our people! We encourage you, our suppliers, customers, industry colleagues, and friends to reduce your impact or help offset what you cannot reduce through your local and regional organizations.

Fun Facts;

  • In 2014, we purchased 20,301 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of renewable energy, lowering your business carbon footprint by 19,385 pounds of carbon dioxide. That’s the equivalent of planting 226 trees.
  • Annually we recycle approximately 40,000 lbs of corrugated cardboard, 9,400 lbs of co-mingled recyclables (office paper, plastic bottles, and metal cans) and 1,000 lbs of various scrap metals.
  • Luckily, even our trash goes to a Green facility! Roosevelt Regional Landfill is a state-of-the-art operation. Each year, Roosevelt creates enough energy to power more than 20,000 homes by capturing and converting methane gas from garbage to electricity.
  • All Espresso Parts shipping materials are recyclable, reusable, or compostable. Plus we offset the carbon it takes to ship your order! No joke!

As always, thank you for your support and continued patronage! Cheers to our continued success in creating an environment that supports healthy People & Planet!

~Espresso Parts Family

Clean energyConservationEarth dayEnvironmentalistGive backGreenRecycleReduceRestorationReuseSorry not sorrySupport local